Monday, November 9, 2009

Sketches 2

Since the project we were given last week in class was to span two weeks, I don't have a 'finished' piece to show, nor do any of my sketches for that piece merit any sort of public attention.They are at this moment a pile of rubbish and scattered ideas, waiting for me to reassemble them into a cohesive idea. Sue told me I need to 'work hard at simplifying' my work. At first, I thought it was a pile of art school mumbo jumbo, but after some thought, I completely understand and agree.  So, instead of a finished piece, I'm just sharing some of my other sketches that I've done. They're all from yesterday morning when I sat bolt upright at 5 am and just couldn't get back to sleep, so I spent an hour or so playing around with India ink and a straw. Blowing, not sucking. I nearly passed out from hyperventilation, so I think the next time I play with ink in this way I'll invest in a can of compressed air and save myself a whole heap of trouble!

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